New Coverage Due Diligence – Whether you are employing the services of an insurance agent you select or of an agent we recommend, AdvisorServe can play a crucial role in reviewing their efforts on behalf of your client. This may include selection of a carrier, construction and pricing of a policy, efforts to negotiate lower pricing based on health, and many other aspects of the life insurance acquisition process. Our focus is to help give you an extra level of assurance that the insurance agent is performing well. This helps save your client additional cost and keeps you aware of matters that you need to know.
Life Insurance Policy Modifications – Where a policy audit has uncovered the need to make a modification to an existing life insurance policy, AdvisorServe can play a central role in helping to help assure that the agent of record or owner implements the recommended changes. These changes can include modifications of premium to assure appropriate duration of coverage, changing of dividend options, modifications of death benefit, for example. The potential modifications are numerous, and AdvisorServe can give the advisor the assurance that important changes are implemented.
Insurance Company Ratings – Because life insurance is a long term contractual relationship, the strength and stability of the selected life insurance company is of paramount importance. AdvisorServe furnishes our professional advisors up to date ratings information, including the published scores of four key ratings services and an "Alirt" report, which offers an additional analytical perspective. We also have the ratings history of several of the more popular carriers. Advisors may find this especially helpful in making decisions about the wisdom of maintaining existing coverage and in adding filters to the process of carrier and product selection.